Faculty Web Pages
Web Containers
A web container is a space on the the college server in which departments and faculty
are able to store web pages. If you would like to request a web container or have
questions regarding how to access a container contact the web team.
Accessing your webpage
You will need SharePoint Designer 2007 in order to edit your webpage. If you do not
already have either of this program, you can download it for free from http://tinyurl.com/cz22uy. Once you have requested a web container you will be able to start creating your
webpage. The address of your webpage, also referred to as the URL, is as follows:
The first step to open up your webpage is to open SharePoint Designer 2007. Once SharePoint is open select File, Open Site.

You will then be prompted to type in your web name, which is where you type in your web address, URL. Then select Open.

You will then be prompted for your User name and Password.
User name: gcccdedu\firstname.lastname Password: same password as you use for email

We have developed a series of template in compliance with the district web standards.
These templates are required on our home page and institutional pages. Institutional
pages refer to Student Services, Admissions and Records, Instructional and Non-instructional
departments. Faculty are welcome to use these templates, but it is not required. These templates will ensures that our pages are consistent. The templates also meets
ADA requirements. If you would like to use one of the Cuyamaca standard templates,
please contact Rocky Rose.
SharePoint Designer 2007 Quick Guide